
Meat The Victims was born in Australia by animal activist and “Notorious trespasser” Leah Doellinger. Leah recognised the impact that her open rescue footage was having when she allowed the public to meet the victims through her footage. One victim in particular that Leah met during an open rescue was Prisoner #248, a Mother pig whose story later went viral. After which, Leah was charged with trespass and theft of stock. It was then that Leah decided that everyone needed to meet the victims and disobey unjust laws together for them.

The first ever Meat the Victims took place on April 6th 2018 at the Australian piggery where Leah had met that Mother pig. Leah went back inside, but this time with 67 other activists who locked down the piggery at 4am. The outside team arrived at 8am and the media waited in suspense for the inside team to come out. After an 8 hour standoff and negotiators called in, Leah and 33 of the 68 activists remained united and refused to leave the victims. The law enforcers became impatient and began physically pushing activists toward the door where a dozen police waited to arrest them. On the way out, Leah and Jessie managed to save a life. Jessie put the tiny baby under his jumper while Leah caused a scene to distract the police.

The impact of this action for the animals was incredibly powerful. Between the media and the attendee’s footage being shared there were hundreds of thousands of views. The truth shocked the public as they met the victims of their choices.

Since that day Meat The Victims has become a global movement. A new generation of the growing community of citizens willing to disobey unjust laws together to abolish animal exploitation. Locking down inside the very places the animals are hostage and allowing the public to meet the victims of their choices.

“We must be inside with the victims. We can no longer comfortably stand outside. The most popular TV shows are crime, reality, drama and the news so that combination creates a curious and public audience which causes them to me the victims and take responsibility for their choices. The outside team is crucial in gaining the media attention and being the voices of truth and justice. This is how we get the animals seen and the truth told. This is why Meat The Victims is having such a powerful impact for the animals, and we will continue to break unjust laws together across the globe, until all are free” – Leah Doellinger

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